Mo(o)nthly Memberships

Are you looking for accessible, affordable, holistic support? If you want practices that can improve your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health sent to you monthly, check out our membership options below.
It's time to invest in yourself. These memberships are designed with your empowerment in mind. The most important relationship you have in this life is the relationship you have with yourself, so why not do everything you can to show up fully and compassionately for you? In Yoga the concept of Sadhana, or "self-study" can help you to find and create meaning, joy, and contentment in your life no matter what your actual circumstances are. Each membership tier offers an intentional, intuitive monthly theme to support you on your path back to remembering your inherent wholeness. At Bleeding Hearts we want to reward your commitment to yourself by making each membership tier affordable and accessible online at any time. Read more about our membership options below.
Seedling Member
Our foundational membership. You'll have access to one new 60 minute flow and one new guided meditation each month. Every month will focus on an overarching supportive theme.
Rooted Member
Our Foundational membership with deeper roots. You'll have access to two new 60 minute flows and one new guided meditation each month. This tier also includes one worksheet for guided journaling and introspection throughout the month. Every month will focus on an overarching supportive theme.
Flowering Member
A membership to support you in your authentic flourishing. You'll have access to two new 60 minute flows and two new guided meditations each month. This tier also includes two worksheets for guided journaling and introspection, as well as a monthly list of affirmations to work with. Every month will focus on an overarching supportive theme.
Monthly support with a cyclical focus
Honoring the natural cyclicality of life around us, each monthly membership is tuned into seasonal, lunar, astrological and physical cycles. The classes and meditations will be uploaded around the new and full moons each month, and each offering is guided by seasonally & astrologically supportive themes.
In August there is a new moon in the sign of Leo on the 4th. New moons are wonderful for looking within and setting intentions for the cycle ahead. The sun is also in Leo until the 22nd, the sign of courageously shining your truth out into the world around you. The theme for this month is being seen in your full, ferociously free authenticity. The time of playing small & keeping hidden is past - the world needs you to be boldly YOU, exactly as you are. This Moonthly cycle wraps up with the full moon in Aquarius on the 19th. Full moons are a great time to reflect on what is at a culmination point in your life, and to celebrate yourself in your own expression of fullness.
We can't wait to support you through all of your cycles!
Interested? Get in touch to learn more.