Oracle Card Readings
What to Expect
Oracle cards, similar to tarot, allow us to tap into communication with the divine in a ritualistic, supportive, semi-structured way. Combined with an understanding of the science of psychology, somatics, anatomy, and physiology, oracle cards are an incredible tool to dive deeper into whatever we may need in that moment in order to cultivate holistic wellbeing.
In traditional therapeutic settings, it can be difficult to know where to begin. You may find that you know you'd like to feel or behave differently in life or in a specific situation you've encountered, but don't know how to get there...or even why you feel that way. I relate to oracle cards and other divination tools as a ticket to access what lays in our subconscious, a ticket to higher, clearer states of consciousness.
Being able to access these messages with more immediacy, we are able to begin working toward clarity together on whatever you're facing at that time. These readings will not solve all your problems or tell you exactly what decisions to make -- they are a chance to intuitively connect within yourself for guidance, with the aid of a supportive and knowledgable facilitator.
I believe we all have the ability to understand and to heal within ourselves. Utilizing various approaches for bringing the subconscious into actionable consciousness can allow us to co-create a map for you to find greater peace, freedom, authenticity and autonomy in whatever you're going through.
I work with several different decks, which we will have the opportunity to choose from together depending on what feels most aligned when you book, and we meet.
Let's Work Together
Let us know if you have any questions about our readings.